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  • Jock Robb

Intermittent fasting

Updated: Feb 18, 2019

Intermittent Fasting, good or bad?

You've seen some of your friends doing it, you've seen some of the celebrities you follow on Instagram doing it, so what it all about? Well, one point to remember is that everyone is different so let us have a look if it would work for you. Considered one of the top eating and fitness trends, intermittent fasting sounds like just one more deprivation-driven eating plan that leaves you wistfully glancing at your family members plates as they finish their puddings and you finish off yet another glass of water. That’s likely because of the word “fasting” right there.

So how does it work?

Intermittent fasting doesn’t involve specific foods, but rather, a strict schedule regarding when you eat. Also called “time-restricted eating,” So you would have a window of when you can eat and when you cant eat, say 8-10 hours of being able to eat and then 14-16 hours of not eating.

Why would you do this? There must be some benefits of not being able to eat at any time you want, right?

If it's done properly it can contribute to weight loss, improved body composition, decreased cravings and even athletic performance and endurance. Preliminary research also suggests it may be beneficial for glucose tolerance, hormone regulation, better muscle mass and lower body fat.

So if your someone who can stick to a routine and a schedule of meal times then bingo, if your someone who prefers to be relaxed about when and where you eat then I'd say look the other way. One of the main considerations is if you've had any medical issues relating to your diet then the most important point is to always consult your doctor's advice before you make any dietary changes.

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