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  • Jock Robb


Updated: Feb 18, 2019


One of the biggest factors in fitness.

Have you got a lack of it?

Have a read of a few of these tips to kick start that workout you’ve been thinking about for so long.

- Get an exercise training plan 🏃

Without a plan, and a personalised one at that, it’s so much easier to fall of track again, you’ll have something to stick to and if you get the right one, you’ll see progression.

- Establish an exercise routine that works for you.👌

To stay motivated in the long-term, your exercise programme needs to fit around your schedule (not the other way around).

- Set short-term goals and keep a training diary🥇📘

Short term goals? Achievability. This is where short-term and long-term goals differ. Saying to yourself: ‘I’d like to lose 40kgs,’ is far different from saying: ‘I’m going to go for a 10 minute run after work today’. Behavioural psychology tells us that people respond positively to achievement, no matter how small. It spurs them on. It motivates them. If you set short-term goals that are regularly attainable, you’ll be far more likely to stay motivated over time. Keeping that training diary is a great way to see progression.

- Treat yourself to maintain motivation🍔

To stay motivated, toast weekly wins with your favourite cheat meal or adopt a diet that offers more flexibility on weekends.

- Try something new, exciting and challenging. 🤩

Break out of that comfort zone and realise that you can lift that extra 10kg or run the extra mile. You will never know what you can achieve unless you try. 🏃

- Don’t forget to rest your body😴

One of the most important ones, without rest you will hit burnout, this is one of the most dangerous aspects of fitness and a big one to avoid. It can knock your right of track and not just that but make you scared of getting back on. So always take that rest day and don’t over do it.

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